Short description
The workshop will explore the potential of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), such as classification systems, taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies, and lexical databases, in the context of current developments and possibilities, including health related aspects. These tools help model the underlying semantic structure of a domain for purposes of information retrieval, knowledge discovery, language engineering, etc. The workshop provides an opportunity to discuss projects, research and development activities, evaluation approaches, lessons learned, and research findings. A further objective is to systematically engage in discussions in common areas of interest with selected related communities and to investigate potential cooperation.
Workshop objectives and outcomes
The workshop aims to explore the potential of KOS in the context of current developments and possibilities, including health related aspects. The workshop provides an opportunity to discuss projects, research and development activities, evaluation approaches, lessons learned, and research findings. The workshop will allow major projects to report results, newcomers to interact with established people in the field, while facilitating the discussions of topical issues which require consensus or coordination, including standards efforts. A further objective is to systematically engage in discussions in common areas of interest with selected related communities and to investigate potential cooperation.
Previous NKOS workshops have seen focused discussion on early drafts of BSI and ISO KOS standards, the W3C SKOS standard, the interface between traditional library and information science vocabularies and Semantic Web efforts, KOS linked data, social tagging and its relation to established vocabularies, automated approaches, KOS metadata and the different types of KOS. The JCDL venue affords participation by KOS researchers and developers from different perspectives (reflecting the different conference threads), such as KOS design and construction, API and service developers, user oriented issues, management of KOS in registries and semi-automated methodologies.
Presentations will be made available on the workshop website. The potential for a further NKOS special issue will be discussed at the workshop. There have been NKOS special issues of Knowledge Organisation in 2021, Journal of Data and Information Science in 2020, the International Journal on Digital Libraries in 2016, 2018; New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia in 2006; Journal of Digital Information in 2004, 2001. Recently an archive of the European NKOS workshops and the content has been created at The NKOS website at has background and information on all workshops and special issues
Workshop Outline
The proposed workshop will have two themes as the main focus, together with topical presentations arising from the workshop call for presentations.
- Health-related KOS issues and contributions particularly concerning the current pandemic
- Designing for Cultural Hospitality and Indigenous Knowledge in KOS
- KOS mappings. Mappings (or alignment) between KOS
- Users interaction with KOS in retrieval including semantic search
- Standards developments.
- Evaluation of KOS-based systems - methods and practical experience.
- KOS support of natural language processing, esp. information extraction, enrichment
- Use of KOS in Artificial Intelligence applications - methods and practical experience.
Further timely presentations/demonstrations will be selected from the following topics in the CfP:
Douglas Tudhope (primary contact, is Professor in the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science, University of South Wales and leads the Hypermedia Research Group. He led the Linking Archaeological Data Work Package for the ARIADNE FP7 Infrastructures Project and was PI on the AHRC funded STAR, STELLAR and SENESCHAL projects and the preceding EPSRC funded FACET project. Since 1977, he has been an Editor of the journal, New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia. He was a member of the ISO TC46/SC9/SC8 (and NISO) working group developing a new thesaurus standard (ISO 25964).
Claudio Gnoli ( is a librarian at the Science and Technology Library, University of Pavia, Italy. His interests include knowledge organization in general, theory of classification, their philosophical grounds and their application to online knowledge bases. He has authored papers and books in the KO field, including Introduction to Knowledge Organization (Facet, 2020). He is a former vice-president and the current webmaster of international ISKO and a member of the UDC Consortium Advisory Board. He is a member of the editorial boards of Knowledge Organization, Axiomathes and AIDA Informazioni.
Koraljka Golub ( is a Professor in Library and Information Studies at Linnaeus University, Sweden. Her research is mostly placed within the field of knowledge organization with particular focus on subject access. She explores subject access at the level of subject metadata involving knowledge organization systems, intellectual (human) subject indexing, automated subject indexing, as well as social tagging. As the co-leader of Digital Humanities at Linnaeus University, she has more recently engaged in subject access for humanities in digital cultural heritage collections as well as library catalogs, bibliographic databases, repositories, and discovery services. She is also the Head of the iInstitute, Linnaeus University's iSchool. Website:
Philipp Mayr ( is a deputy department head and a team leader at the GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences, department Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences (WTS). He has been a visiting professor for knowledge representation at University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt, Department of Information Science & Engineering during 2009-2011 and received his PhD in applied informetrics and information retrieval from the Berlin School of Library and Information Science at Humboldt University Berlin in 2009. He has been awarded substantial research funding (PI, Co-PI) from national and European funding agencies. His research group focuses on methods and techniques for interactive information retrieval. His research interests are interactive information retrieval, scholarly recommendation systems, non-textual ranking, bibliometric and scientometric methods, applied informetrics, science models in digital libraries, knowledge representation, semantic technologies, user studies, information behaviour and NKOS.
Organisation and logistics
Short description
The workshop will explore the potential of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), such as classification systems, taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies, and lexical databases, in the context of current developments and possibilities, including health related aspects. These tools help model the underlying semantic structure of a domain for purposes of information retrieval, knowledge discovery, language engineering, and semantic technologies. The workshop provides an opportunity to discuss projects, research and development activities, evaluation approaches, lessons learned, and research findings. A further objective is to systematically engage in discussions in common areas of interest with selected related communities and to investigate potential cooperation.
Expected number of participants: 30- Digital library and information infrastructure developers,
- Resource discovery service providers (search engines, subject gateways, portals, repositories etc.),
- Thesaurus, taxonomy and ontology developers,
- Metadata professionals, designers and researchers,
- Information scientists, library, museum and archive professionals,
- Standard developers in the area of terminology usage and exchange,
- Computer scientists interested in semantic web/grid issues, Linked Data, topic maps, XML/RDF technologies, web engineering, peer-to-peer researchers,
- User interface designers for KOS and Semantic Web applications,
- Social tagging and community-based application developers and users,
- Language engineering and terminology studies researchers and developers, and
- Knowledge management professionals.
Workshop structure
We propose a full-day workshop building on the well-attended NKOS workshops at previous JCDL, ECDL, TPDL, DCMI conferences. The workshop is in collaboration with ISKO Italy and is supported by the international NKOS network, its website and discussion list. Presentations are made available on the workshop website and see references to previous workshops below with links to presentations, proceedings and special journal issues. We will discuss the potential for a further NKOS journal special issue at the workshop and/or Springer CCIS Proceedings.
An open call for papers and demonstrations (submission deadline April 12th, notification April 26th) will be combined with selected invitations from major projects and professional societies with an interest in this field. The workshop is planned to consist of an introduction, technical presentations, demonstrations, and a concluding directed discussion. The program committee will assist the review process as first-tier reviewers. The organisers will coordinate the process and promote the workshop through the workshop website, their various contacts and discussion lists, including the NKOS list.
Duration: 2 half daysIndicative agenda structure, covering approximately 8 hours
- Session 1: Welcome, introduction, mutual presentations (hrs 0:30)
- Session 2: Presentations on the main themes (hrs: 2)
- Session 3: Directed discussion emerging from the main session (hrs: 1)
- Session 4: Presentation and discussion of submitted papers on timely and related topics according to the CfP, including demonstrations (hrs: 2)
- Session 5: Directed discussion emerging from the session 4 (hrs 1)
- Session 6: Concluding discussion, including options for co-operation (hrs 0.30)
Supporting material for the workshop will, following standard NKOS practice, be available via the workshop website. After the workshop, copies of presentations will be made available on the website and via the main NKOS website at, which has details of previous NKOS workshops and links to presentations, proceedings and special issues. An archive of the content of European NKOS Workshops is maintained at
Technical requirements
The usual PC and projector with full Internet connection and virtual/hybrid capability. We anticipate virtual or hybrid delivery, building on experience with the virtual Consolidated NKOS Workshops in 2020 and 2021 (see
Program committee
- Carlo Bianchini, University of Pavia, Italy
- Ceri Binding, University of South Wales, UK
- Joseph A Busch, Taxonomy Strategies, USA
- Stella Dextre-Clarke, ISKO UK
- Antonella Folino, University of Calabria, Italy
- Bernhard Haslhofer, University of Vienna, Austria
- Marjorie Hlava, Access Innovations, Albuquerque, USA
- Antoine Isaac, Europeana and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Eva Méndez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Philipp Schaer, GESIS, Germany
- Ryan Shaw, University of North Carolina, USA
- Aida Slavic, UDC Consortium, London, UK
- Dagobert Soergel, University of Buffalo, USA
- Armando Stellato, Università Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
- Joseph Tennis, Information School, University of Washington, USA
- Andreas Vlachidis, University College London, UK
- Diane Vizine-Goetz, OCLC Research, USA
- Jakob Voß, Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG), Germany
- Christian Wartena, Hochschule Hannover, Germany
- Marcia Zeng, Kent State University, USA