NKOS Special Session at DC-2005

"Enhancing the Understanding of Meaning: Practical Applications of Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS)"

Carlos III University of Madrid (Leganés), Seminar Room 4.1.E03

13 September 2005

Organizers: Gail Hodge, Traugott Koch and Douglas Tudhope


Description | Programme


15.30 - 17.00

Traugott Koch, UKOLN, University of Bath (chair) Welcome and Introduction
Douglas Tudhope, University of Glamorgan A Pilot SKOS API Web Service Browser: The Role of KOS and Ontologies
Reflections on experiences developing a pilot Web Service Browser, based on the SKOS API. Lessons for future evolution of protocols for programmatic access to thesauri and related KOS. How should RDF representations of KOS be used in Semantic Web and other applications? How should KOS relate to Ontologies?

Presentation: [PDF]
Rachel Heery, UKOLN, University of Bath (Metadata and) Vocabulary Registries
Why are vocabulary registries needed? What do they need to contain? How will they be used? Registries as part of a digital infrastructure vs. individual declaration of terms. What can we learn from registries in other contexts? Overview of vocabulary registry initiatives.

Presentation: [PDF]
Andy Powell, UKOLN, University of Bath Persistent Identifiers of Concepts/Terms/Relationships - a DCMI perspective
Why are identifiers of conceptual resources needed to support knowledge organization and the conveyance of meaning? Is there any difference, e.g. regarding specific requirements, between identifiers for e.g. documents and people and identifiers for terminology? What is current best practice regarding creation, application and registration of identifiers for terminology? How will term identifiers work in distributed terminology applications on the (semantic) web?

Presentation: [PDF]
Eric Childress, OCLC Ideas and activities with respect to identifiers in the context of the Dewey Decimal Classification

Presentation: [PDF]

17.00 - 17.30 Break: Coffee and Refreshments

17.30 - 19.00

Gail Hodge, Information International Assoc. Case Studies from the National Biological Information Infrastructure and the NASA Goddard Library
How can the Dublin Core and knowledge organization systems be used in a heterogeneous project-based environment that also needs to preserve consistency for federated searching? How can knowledge organization systems link local digital repositories to organization-wide efforts? What is the framework for supporting an environment where projects are continuously added, thereby changing the metadata and vocabulary needs?

Presentation: [PDF]
Gail Hodge (chair) Introduction
Question and Answer Session
with participation of the audience and the following experts:
Dan Brickley, Joseph Busch, Eric Childress, Ron Daniel, Jane Greenberg, Rachel Heery, Diane Hillmann, Gail Hodge, Johannes Keizer, Traugott Koch, Alistair Miles, Andy Powell, Jian Qin, Stuart Sutton, Joseph Tennis and Doug Tudhope.

Description | Programme

DCMI Conferences and Workshops
10 years of Dublin Core