NKOS Special Session at DC-2005

"Enhancing the Understanding of Meaning: Practical Applications of Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS)"

Carlos III University of Madrid (Leganés), Seminar Room 4.1.E03

13 September 2005

Organizers: Gail Hodge, Traugott Koch and Douglas Tudhope


Description | Programme


Metadata has significantly enhanced access to digital resources, categorizing Web pages and providing text searching for non-text objects. The semantics (the meaning) encapsulated in this metadata has been determined largely at the level of individual projects or digital library collections. However, new demands for interoperability are coming from enterprise applications, communities of practice, and the vision of the Semantic Web. What roles can Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), such as thesauri, classification schemes, and ontologies play in improving the understanding of meaning? What best practices, tools, and services are being deployed in practical applications? What are the outstanding issues and what research agenda should KOS and metadata practitioners undertake jointly? What are the connections with related DC activities, such as semantic web applications, linguistics developments and registry work? These sessions, organized by members of the NKOS Working Group, will gather metadata and KOS practitioners to demonstrate accomplishments and to discuss current and future efforts. Time will be allocated for question and answer sessions and general discussion.

The NKOS Special Session is in two parts with a break in the middle. The first part showcases four activities aimed at improving the semantics of metadata.
The second part begins with case studies from two specific communities. It concludes with a Question & Answer session aimed at sharing experiences from the audience and reactions from a panel of experts in metadata and KOS.

The special session is part of DC-2005, International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications. See http://hypermedia.research.southwales.ac.uk/kos/nkos/ and https://nkos.dublincore.org/ for previous NKOS workshops and information about NKOS generally.