Call for presentations and demos

The 19th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) workshop will take place on Thursday 12th September 2019 as part of TPDL2019 conference to be held in the Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway.

Important dates:

  • (New) submission deadline: Tuesday 25th June 2019
  • Notification of acceptance: Tuesday 23rd July 2019
  • Workshop: Thursday 12th September 2019
proposal words

We invite submissions for:

a) Presentations (typically 20 minutes plus discussion time, potentially longer if warranted) on work related to the themes of the workshop (see below). An option for a short 5 minute project report presentation is also possible.

b) Demos on work related to the themes of the workshop (see below).

Authors may submit just an abstract (2-3 pages) or a regular/short paper to be published in the workshop proceedings (see 2017 and 2018 workshops). All submissions must be written in English following Springer LNCS author guidelines. Regular papers should have a maximum of 12 pages. Short papers should have a maximum of 6 pages. Submissions should be emailed as PDF files to and should include aims, methods, main findings, references.

All submissions will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Please be aware of the fact that at least one author per paper needs to register for the workshop and participate in the workshop and present the work. In case of no-show the paper (even if accepted) will be deleted from the proceedings AND from the program.

Workshop proceedings will be deposited online in the CEUR workshop proceedings publication service (ISSN 1613-0073) - This way the proceedings will be permanently available and citable (digital persistent identifiers and long term preservation). After the workshop, copies of presentations will be made available on the workshop website.

Themes for the NKOS workshop will be:

  1. KOS mappings. Mappings (or alignment) between KOS is attracting increasing attention with the expression of KOS as Linked Data and multilingual archives.
  2. Users interaction with KOS in retrieval including the role of KOS in online search systems

    Further timely presentations/demonstrations will be selected from the following topics in the CfP:
  3. Automatic KOS-based subject indexing / classification /entity-extraction.
  4. KOS-based recommender systems.
  5. Meaningful concept display and meaningful visualization of KOS.
  6. Standards developments.
  7. Evaluation of KOS-based systems – methods and practical experience.
  8. KOS in e-Research metadata contexts.
  9. KOS and (e)learning.
  10. Use of KOS in Artificial Intelligence applications - methods and practical experience.

More information on the workshop can be found in the workshop proposal