Submission deadline: 22 June 2012
Notification of acceptance: 16 July 2012
Workshop: September 27 (all day) 2012
Extended abstract
We propose a full-day workshop of research projects and development related to next-generation Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services (NKOS) in digital libraries. This proposal builds on the well-attended NKOS workshops at ECDL 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. We would expect approximately 40 attendees at this workshop. The proposal is supported by the international NKOS network, its website and discussion list. Presentations are made available on the workshop website.
Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), such as classification systems, thesauri, lexical databases, ontologies, and taxonomies, play an increasingly important role in digital information management and systems. Carrying semantics in a well controlled and documented way, Knowledge Organisation Systems serve a variety of functions: tool for representation and indexing of information and documents, knowledge-based support to information searchers, semantic road maps to domains and disciplines, communication tool by providing conceptual framework, and conceptual basis for knowledge based systems, e.g. automated classification systems.
Brief description of the workshop
The 11th European NKOS workshop at TPDL explores the potential of Knowledge Organization Systems, such as classification systems, taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies, and lexical databases. These tools attempt to model the underlying semantic structure of a domain for purposes of information retrieval, knowledge discovery, language engineering, and the semantic web. The workshop provides an opportunity to report and discuss projects, research, and development related to Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services in next-generation digital libraries. A further objective is to systematically engage in discussions in common areas of interest with selected related communities and to investigate potential co-operation.
TPDL (succeeding ECDL) is the traditional venue for reporting on European NKOS activities, complementing the US series of workshops. The workshop allows major projects to report results, newcomers to interact with established people in the field and discussion of topical issues, requiring consensus or coordination, including standards efforts, to take place. Thus previous workshops have seen focused discussion on early drafts of BSI and ISO KOS standards, the W3C SKOS standard, the interface between traditional Library Science vocabularies and Semantic Web efforts, KOS linked data, social tagging and its relation to established vocabularies, KOS metadata and the different types of KOS. The TPDL venue affords participation by KOS researchers and developers from different perspectives (reflecting the different conference threads), such as KOS design and construction, API and service developers, user oriented issues, management of KOS in registries.
The continuity provided by the long series of NKOS workshops and its US partner events is the basis for reconnecting with important project and research endeavours at regular intervals, receiving updates on new directions, results and evaluations and, thus, is crucial for improving on and consolidating the common domain knowledge. People sharing our field of interest in the realm of private enterprise have also been involved, especially through the call for demonstrations. Typically a call for presentations is complemented by select invited presentations on key topics.
Workshop topics
1) KOS requirements and applications in cultural heritage. Cultural heritage has been an important application domain for KOS and often a driver for KOS standards. KOS specific issues within the Europeana range of projects are also relevant here.
2) Linked data applications of KOS and LOV (Linking and Opening Vocabularies). We are seeing the recognition that the different types of KOS can act as hubs within linked data networks. Reports of practical experience are particularly welcome.
We aim to make these two topics, the main focus of the NKOS workshop 2012, together with topical presentations arising from the call for presentations. The workshop will also report on the ongoing activities of the ISO thesaurus standards group (ISO25964) and other relevant standards efforts.
Further timely presentations/demonstrations could be selected from the following topics in the CfP:
3) Management and integration of multiple vocabulary types, such as classification systems, thesauri, terminologies, synonym rings etc. Typologies and spectra of KOS. KOS Registries.
4) SKOS extensions. What extensions to SKOS would be needed to cover advanced mapping and vocabulary integration, additional KOS types and other actual requirements?
KOS applications are a regular and important part of NKOS workshops. Example topics include:
5) KOS in e-Research metadata contexts. The intersection between research data, KOS and Semantic web.
6) Social tagging. What is the role of social tagging and informal knowledge structures versus established KOS? (How) can tagging be guided and informed by KOS? The possible contribution of social tagging and informal knowledge structures to constructing / augmenting established KOS. Implications for social search.
7) Users interaction with KOS in the online environment, visualisation issues.
8) Quality issues in web-based KOS. How to identify and detect shortcomings in data quality and what to do to improve KOS on the web? Issues concerning large metadata sets. Version management.
9) KOS and learning. What is required to use KOS effectively to convey meaning, to assist users to express their information needs to assist in sensemaking and learning?
10) Multilingual and Interdisciplinary KOS applications and tools.
11) Specific domains, such as environmental, medical, new application contexts, etc.
Workshop structure
Indicative agenda structure, covering approximately 8 hours, including lunch and breaks:
- Session 1: Welcome, introduction, mutual presentations (hrs 0:30)
- Session 2: Presentations on the main themes (hrs: 2)
- Session 3: Directed discussion emerging from the main session (hrs: 1)
- Session 4: Presentations of submitted papers on timely and related topics acc. to the CfP, incl. demonstrations (hrs: 2)
- Session 5: Directed discussion emerging from the session 4 (hrs 1)
- Session 6: Concluding short communications and directed discussion, including options for co-operation (hrs 0.30)
Supporting material for the workshop would, following standard NKOS practice, be available via the NKOS website. This would include abstracts of presentations, information on participants, list of resources, projects and plans for the workshop before the conference. After the workshop, copies of presentations will be made available on the website and via the main NKOS network website.
Previous NKOS workshops have resulted in journal special issues (see References). Authors presenting significant results at the workshop will be encouraged to submit papers for consideration in future issues of the International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL - Koch is a member of the Editorial Board) and the New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia (Tudhope is Editor, Koch and Lykke are on the Editorial Board) depending on the candidate papers.
Program committee
- Ceri Binding, University of Glamorgan, UK
- Stella Dextre Clarke, Information Consultant, Luke House, Wantage, UK
- Claudio Gnoli, University of Pavia, Italy
- Jane Greenberg, University of North Carolina, USA
- Bernhard Haslhofer, University of Vienna, Austria
- Gail Hodge, Information International Associates, Inc., USA
- Antoine Isaac, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and National Library of the Netherlands, The Netherlands
- Daniel Kless, University of Melbourne, Australia.
- Eva Mendez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Vivien Petras, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
- Philipp Schaer, GESIS, Germany
- Aida Slavic, UDC Consortium, London, UK
- Johan De Smedt,, Belgium
- Dagobert Soergel, University of Buffalo, USA
- Joseph Tennis, Information School, University of Washington, USA
- Diane Vizine-Goetz, OCLC Research, USA
- Marcia Zeng, Kent State University, USA
Expected participants
- Digital library and information infrastructure developers,
- Resource discovery service providers (search engines, subject gateways, portals, repositories etc.),
- Metadata professionals, designers and researchers,
- Information scientists, library, museum and archive professionals,
- Thesaurus, taxonomy and ontology developers,
- Standard developers in the area of terminology usage and exchange,
- Computer scientists interested in semantic web/grid issues, linked data, topic maps, XML/RDF technologies, web engineering, peer-to-peer researchers
- User interface designers for KOS and Semantic Web applications
- Social tagging and community-based application developers and users
- Language engineering and terminology studies researchers and developers
- Knowledge managers
Previous NKOS Workshops
See and for previous NKOS workshops and information about NKOS generally.
- Report on the 10th NKOS workshop, DLIB November/December 2011
Workshop organisers (short CVs)
Douglas Tudhope is Professor in the Faculty of Advanced Technology, University of Glamorgan and leads the Hypermedia Research Unit. His main current research interests are the intersecting areas of information science, digital libraries and hypermedia and the semantic web. He was PI on the AHRC funded STAR and STELLAR projects (Semantic Tools for Archaeological Resources), in collaboration with English Heritage and the preceding EPSRC funded FACET project, in collaboration with the Science Museum, investigating thesaurus-based query expansion. Since 1977, he has been Editor of the journal, New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia. He serves as a reviewer for various journals and international programme committees. He is a member of the Networked Knowledge Organisation Systems/Services (NKOS) network and has organised or co-organised all 10 NKOS workshops at ECDL. He co-edited the 2004 NKOS JoDI issue with Traugott Koch and co-edited the 2006 KOS NRHM issue with Marianne Lykke. He co-authored the 2006 JISC State of the Art Review on Terminology Services and Technology and The JISC Terminology Registry Scoping Study.
Philipp Mayr is a postdoctoral researcher and project lead at the GESIS department Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences (WTS). Since October 2009 he serves as a visiting professor for knowledge representation at University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt, Department of Information Science & Engineering. Philipp Mayr is a graduate of the Berlin School of Library and Information Science at Humboldt University Berlin where he finished his doctoral research in 2009. He studied LIS, computer science and sociology. Since November 2004 he has been working in the internationally recognized projects "Competence Center Modelling and Treatment of Heterogeneity" (KoMoHe) and "Value-Added Services for Information Retrieval" (IRM) as a researcher and PI. Philipp has presented at several NKOS workshops and is a member of the NKOS network. Philipp published in the areas Informetrics, Information Retrieval and Digital Libraries. He is member of the editorial board of the journals Scientometrics and Information Wissenschaft & Praxis. He serves as a reviewer for various journals and international programme committees. His research interests are non-textual ranking in digital libraries, bibliometric methods, evaluation of information systems, applied informetrics.