Networked Knowledge Organization Systems and Services

The 7th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop

Workshop at the 12th ECDL Conference, Aarhus, Denmark

Friday September 19th 2008

Workshop Background and Details | Call for Papers | Programme
ECDL 2008 | NKOS Network

Call for Presentations and Participation

The 7th NKOS Workshop at the European Digital Library Conference will will take place on September 19th, as part of ECDL 2008 in Aarhus (

Proposals are invited for presentations (typically 20 minutes plus discussion time, potentially longer if the substance and importance warrant it) on work or projects related to the themes of the workshop (see below) or to NKOS more generally. The traditionally reflective style of the NKOS workshops allows time for discussion and features a briefing session for shorter communications and emergent topics.

Please email proposals (approx. 500 words including aims, methods, main findings) by June 20th to Marianne Lykke Nielsen ( Advance indication that you intend to submit a presentation would be helpful. Proposals will be peer-reviewed by the program committee and notification of acceptance will be given by July 4th. The early registration deadline for the conference and the workshop is July 31st.

After the workshop, copies of presentations will be made available on the workshop website. Presentations from the Workshop may be invited to be submitted as extended paper to the electronic peer reviewed journal: Journal of Digital Information, JoDI (

The workshop aims to address key challenges for KOS posed by the overlapping themes of:

However, other NKOS topics can also be proposed. For inspiration, visit the NKOS network website at:

Main contact

Marianne Lykke Nielsen
Information Interaction and Architecture,
Royal School of Library and Information Science,
Aalborg, Denmark
Tel.: +45 98 15 79 22

Other organisers

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